AVID MISSION Statement: AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and/or career for our globalized society.
What is the student profile of a potential AVID candidate:
* In the academic middle, typically a 2.0 to 3.5 G.P.A.
* Average test scores
* College potential with support
* Good attendance
* Good behavior in and out of the classroom
* Has individual determination to work hard and succeed
* May be the first generation in family to attend college
* Historically underserved in four-year colleges and universities
* Special circumstances
* Demonstrates good citizenship
* Able to work well with others
AVID is an A-G approved academic elective course that prepares students for college and career readiness. Often, AVID Elective students will be the first in their families to attend college and come from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum with the support of the AVID Elective class.
The AVID Elective class places these students on the college track, requiring students to enroll in the most rigorous courses that are appropriate for them, such as Advanced, Advanced Placement® and/or our Early College Academy (ECA). To support them in the rigorous coursework, AVID students learn organizational and study skills, develop critical thinking, learn to ask probing questions, receive academic help from peers and college tutors, and participate in enrichment and motivational activities to make their college dreams reality.
nationwide data
AVID es un curso optativo académico aprobado por A-G que prepara a los estudiantes para el éxito universitario y profesional. A menudo, los estudiantes electivos AVID serán los primeros en sus familias en asistir a la universidad y vendrán de grupos tradicionalmente subrepresentados en la educación superior. Estos son estudiantes que son capaces de completar un plan de estudios riguroso con el apoyo de la clase electiva AVID.
La clase electiva AVID pone a estos estudiantes en el camino de la universidad, lo que requiere que los estudiantes se inscriban en los cursos más rigurosos que sean apropiados para ellos, como Honors y Advanced Placement®. Para apoyarlos en los cursos rigurosos, los estudiantes de AVID aprenden habilidades de organización y estudio, desarrollan el pensamiento crítico, aprenden a hacer preguntas profundas, reciben ayuda académica de sus compañeros y tutores universitarios, y participan en actividades enriquecedoras y motivadoras para hacer realidad sus sueños universitarios.