Peer Leaders
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Diamondback Den Wellness Center Room 503 During WIN Period Thursday, January 16, 2025 Sign up at |
How Can Peer Leaders Help You?
Peer Leaders are students on campus who are trained in peer counseling, able to facilitate one on one listening sessions, lead community building and restorative circles, and offer restorative peer mediations. When possible, they also facilitate Synergy, an all day workshop in the gym for students. The Peer Leaders try to raise awareness of mental health struggles and support students in need, encourage the appreciation of diversity, and create a more positive environment on our campus through various awareness week campaigns and lunchtime activities.
What is a one on one listening session?
Any student can sign up for or be referred by a staff member to participate in a one on one listening session with a Peer Leader who will offer a nonjudgmental ear and guide them through their own problem solving process.
What is a community building or restorative circle?
The Peer Leaders offer to facilitate circles during WIN classes or other times throughout the school day related to building community and friendships, addressing the needs of students such as coping with anxiety, loneliness, or time management, or just having fun getting to know one another. Some circles are requested by individual teachers, while others are open to all Serrano students.
What is a restorative peer mediation?
When students on campus are having issues with one another, a restorative peer mediation can be requested. Students or staff can request a peer mediation in an effort to solve problems before they get more out of hand or cause more pain. These mediations are facilitated by two Peer Leaders who help the students who are in conflict to communicate with one another and come up with solutions that they can agree to in order to end the problem. Often, these mediations are requested by staff members or the Student Resource Office, but they can also be requested by students themselves.
What is Synergy?
Synergy is an all day workshop in the gym that students are invited to participate in with small and large group activities in order to help recognize what we all have in common while also understanding our differences. Various circles, games, and other activities are used to provide fun, outreach, and connection between students. The Peer Leaders facilitate the day on their own as their advisors simply supervise from the sidelines.
This sounds cool, how can I become a Peer Leader?
The Peer Leaders are chosen to be in the class and lead these programs through an application and interview process that is held each spring for the following school year. To fill out an application for the 2024-25 school year, pick one up in the counseling office or room 401 during the second semester or click this link for it. Applications will be available at the start of the spring semester and are due by the first Friday in March.